We were at a Ham Face2Face last night discussing how to use our radios in response to emergencies when one of our group got a text message from his wife stating Pres. Hinckley had died.
It was shocking but not surprising, at 97 his was very old. We were glad for him to be back with his wife.
So the mantle passes to the most senior apostle, Pres Monson who will be sustained and set apart by the Twelve Apostles and sustained at the next session of General Conference in April. They will also call a new Apostle to fill the vacancy and one of them to be a counselor in the new First Presidency. Everything done in the Lord's order.
One of the most exciting parts of what Pres. Hinckley has done for us has been all the new temples built all over. It is a wonderful blessing to have one in our city, a place of peace and refuge from the noise of the world.
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