Friday, October 30, 2009

Rural towns need to reinvent themselves

Doughnut-Hole Country | Print Article | "But there are people maybe with young families or who tried urban living and wanted to opt out and try something else, who could be lured to the region—maybe not every 22-year-old, but maybe a 32-year-old who would think, 'This is great. I can raise my kids, I can buy a gigantic house. And as long as I have the digital infrastructure, I can telecommute. I can have a very good quality of life.' I think the lifestyle rural communities have to offer is really more compatible for young families."

I don't think much of cities, they were and still are a place to get people together so they are easier to control. Until very recently cities were the only way to get enough people together to divide up the labor so you could do something big. Like build millions of cars or manage billions of dollars. When our cities were build the only only way to talk to someone was to walk or hop on a horse and ride to meet them in person or send a letter that took the same methods.
How many different ways can we get in contact with someone now?

It is interesting to see how important diversions are in this conversation. That is a question up there with "What about their socialization?" it misses the point. Look at NetFlix or iTunes they don't care where you live, all you need is mail or broadband. How many of those users are in cities already not taking advantage of those oh, so important amenities they claim are so important because they aren't in the rural.

Going out to the movies is a lot of fun, but in a rural town it is hard to do if the only theater is playing the same movie for weeks. Okay, so this is an issue that Hollywood has to get over itself to solve, but a small rural theater wouldn't be bad at all if there was a way to dial up the movie you want instead of waiting until the reels you have have "paid" for themselves. The technology is out there but it is stuck in oldthink.

Admittedly, sometimes you want to actually be with other people of similar interests. How many forms of do you need? Just one for the town, really. Then you just have to be open and honest enough about yourself to post what you really want to do, rather then what you want them to expect you to want to do.

Rural towns need to reinvent themselves, because it isn't about the land, and cities are constantly reinventing themselves, they have lots of money sloshing around, rural towns don't but they can have things money can't buy.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Nasty Weather

Got a lot of snow, it started last night just after dark and has been snowing all day. We have about a foot on the balcony and it is still coming down. Needed to take out the trash, forgot to do that before the snow started. It is really slippery out there and helped a lady get her car into a spot.
The weather service is saying it will snow tomorrow too.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

What Every Super Achiever Knows About Time Management – That You Don’t | Investing Notes from REAL Investors

What Every Super Achiever Knows About Time Management – That You Don’t | Investing Notes from REAL Investors: "Super achievers don’t manage their time, they create, manage and maximize their opportunities. At any given time they know the one critical, must complete, task and they work on that task. It is the most important and therefore deserves their full attention."

Don't lose sight of this.

WorldWatch - September 27, 2009 - Why Union Leaders Are Trying to Destroy Themselves - The Ornery American

WorldWatch - September 27, 2009 - Why Union Leaders Are Trying to Destroy Themselves - The Ornery American: "Nobody learns from history -- isn't that sad? Now it's the extreme Left (the only kind that seems to exist any more) that behaves exactly like the extreme right of the 1950s, and it will lead to the same result. They look at anti-Communism and instead of learning that extremism, pushed too far, destroys itself; instead they only learn 'anti-Communism was bad' -- which, of course, it wasn't, when it was actually needed."

A lot of things are like that and he goes through a whole bunch of very useful examples. Right now the administrators in Washington are doing more of what's worked in the past but it is going to hurt everyone as they go a law too far.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

The mis-measurement mismanagement continues

Even as layoffs persist, some good jobs go begging - Yahoo! Finance: "The jobs opened up after the lab received federal stimulus money to research energy-efficient buildings. Baker needs employees with backgrounds in city management and a grasp of the building codes needed to design energy-efficient buildings. Yet even a salary of $140,000 for senior researchers isn't drawing enough qualified applicants.

Baker said he's getting resumes from well-educated people, including some from information technology workers who want to enter the green-energy field. But he said it could take a year to get an unqualified employee up to speed on all the building codes they need to know."

It reminds me of a job posting I saw once, a C++ programing fluent in English, Braille and Swahili.

There are lots of smart people out there that can't get a good job since they are missing some requirement or other.

The real question is how long will they let the position stay open before the cost/benefit calculation blows up.

A lot of companies are getting what they pay for even it is not what they really want.